Oh hey, Anthropologie, since spring is knocking on our door, I thought I'd give you a little heads up and let you know that I'll go ahead and take one of each of these.
I saw this home on my girl Paula's blog a few days ago and fell hard. Every single thing about this house screams, "paste me into the pages of Michelle's dream house inspiration book!" The lighting in seriously every single room steals the show, in my opinion. I mean, did you SEE that turquoise dining room chandelier??? And those woven pendants in the kitchen? I die.
Needless to say, I immediately emailed Paula and asked if I could share the photos she scanned in from Birmingham Home and Garden. And she sweetly said yes!!
Paula noted that the owner of this home purchased it for a mere $75,000 and then proceeded to pour their heart and soul into the renovations. Can you believe that? I'd love to see the before shots! The photos in the magazine were taken by Jean Allsopp and the home was designed by Pandy Agnew.
As always, thanks so much for the inspiration, Paula! :)
What Bathroom?
For those of you who haven't been around Ten June for very long, David and I are in the middle of a master bathroom renovation. Yes, seriously. It's just super secret, so I've been sworn to secrecy not to talk about it.
Just kidding. It's actually kind of, uh, been on hold for awhile. And because I get emails saying- "Ummm, Michelle? What happened to your big time bathroom renovation?" I'm just gonna lay it all out there and be honest. That little thing called life has gotten in the way of our major renovation. Since last October, David and I have DIYed our way through the entire reno:
the demolition,
the design,
the addition of a new window and door,
the update of all electrical wiring (that's our ceiling!),
the installation of a new pocket door and water closet
and lots of glitches along the way. Oh and I can't forget Billy the plumber and Billy the tile guy (check out our gorgeous tile installation here), who helped us along way.
The short version of all this is that I promise I'm not trying to hide the ball. But for the last month, David and I have been soooo busy with work and just life in general that we've neglected the bathroom. Which isn't very fun for us because we've been showering in the hallway guest bathroom for about a year now. Yup, awesome.
But I've got some gooood news, folks! Bobby came. While I'm still kind of sad that he couldn't hold the tradition and name himself Billy, help has come to us in the form of Bobby, a construction expert who has taken over the renovation of our bathroom. I love him, I really do. I am sad that we can't DIY to the end, but for the sake of finishing this project, I'm all for it.
And guess what? As of the end of last week, we have walls. Oh yes, my friends, real ones. No more exposed insulation or drafty beams. And a ceiling (as opposed to those gigantic holes above). Like, all of the drywall is up, it's mudded and taped and sanded and primed. Major step in the right direction.
Here's a little tour of where we are as of last night.
I never thought I'd be so excited to stare at a ceiling!
And mad props to all of you out there who have been along for this crazy bathroom ride. Ya'll have been so motivating and sweet during our whole renovation. So thanks for being so patient and not thinking I'm crazy. Well, really crazy ;)
And mad props to all of you out there who have been along for this crazy bathroom ride. Ya'll have been so motivating and sweet during our whole renovation. So thanks for being so patient and not thinking I'm crazy. Well, really crazy ;)
So with no promises about how life may or may not get in the way, our next step is hopefully to slap some paint on the wall. I'm thinking a white/gray/blue color that would flow with our connected master bedroom.
Have you ever had a project take FOR-EV-ER??? Please tell me I'm not the only one!
My Love Buckets
Well hellllllo there. My name is Ten June. And I got a blog lift! Whatcha think?! I owe it all to Ashley from Lemon and Lavender who used her amazing, talented skillz to redesign my blog! I have a lot left to fill in and link up to, so bear with me while this is a work in progress. Gotta get those t's crossed and i's dotted : )
A few weekends ago, I saw a little contraption at Ikea that I just love.
It's a metal tin that hangs on the wall and can be used to hold anything- utensils, plants, pens, etc. I absolutely loved the concept as soon as I saw the tins and I knew I had to recreate this somewhere at my house. Luckily, my mom recently gave me a bag of our wedding decor that she found in her attic. Part of that loot included some metal tins that we had used to line the chairs at our ceremony with hydrangea stems. Aw, sweet memories. My little love buckets.
This weekend, David and I finally put those love buckets back to good use.
With the help of a few picture hangers, my love buckets (who has love buckets? seriously?) and the garden section at Home Depot, I've got a garden wall. I am sure that there are allll kinds of green thumb no-no's about putting plants on a wall like this, but I don't care. I'm a rebel like that. Each of these are house plants that cooperate well with the indoors. Also, my breakfast room gets a lot of light... hopefully they will survive!
I am absolutely loving the fun, fresh color it brings into my kitchen and breakfast area. Perfect for spring!
In addition to a few basic house plants, I threw in a few of our favorite fresh herbs. That basil smells DE-LISH! Can't wait to fix up my favorite caprese salad with some!
David and I are loving this fun little spring update! Before the garden wall, I had some colorful plates hung on the wall, but they never really looked like they fit just right. I'm not sure if it was the size or the plates themselves, but the love buckets work so much better! It really makes such a difference in the room.
While I was in the gardening section, I also found this adorable little succulent. I couldn't resist! He's sitting in a tiny little watering can on my kitchen windowsill :)
Now if only the spring weather outside (and, ahem, the gophers) would cooperate with my wanna-be attempts at having a green thumb, then our yard outside would be looking just as good!! Mother Nature brought us a cold, thunderstorm-filled weekend and we were not able to get outside at all. Hopefully we'll be able to attack that next weekend. Did any of you get to work outside this weekend?!
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West Elm: I Love Thee
Hello, West Elm! Your summer collection rocks my socks off.
Yes, I'm in love with it all! Don't be surprised if you see any of these things floating into my
house at some point in the near future!
By the way, you guys are really amazing. So glad that you guys like me, even when I'm a major idiot.
Have a great weekend! xo