St. Patrick's Day Birthday Party

David & HDawg

Hi friends! Wow, we had a great weekend over here in our neck of the woods. One of those weekends that makes you stop and think about how much you love life. We celebrated David's first old man birthday (okay, so thirty is only "really old" until I turn thirty in September... and then it's super young or else I'll slap you upside the head) and we did it up in style. 

After spending Saturday shopping and putting around our new city in some gorgeous weather, David and I hosted our friends for a BBQ on Sunday afternoon. It was a simple shindig: catered BBQ sandwiches, vats of mac & cheese, metal buckets filled with cold PBR, a corn hole board and we were set. We. Had. A. Ball. Seriously. Not that they wouldn't have traveled far to celebrate David's birthday, but it is so amazing to be proximal to friends and family at our new place. And I had so much fun entertaining and celebrating my sweet husband with everyone.

 my friend Shanna, me & my sister, Tori
David and Shanna's daughter

Tori & me

my brother-in-law, Greggory and baby H

I love that last picture. The boys broke out the corn hole set and my brother-in-law decided to wear HDawg in the Baby Bjorn while playing. H couldn't stop giggling... he was in heaven! And, yes, he's wearing a chambray shirt. HDawg knows style, that's wassup.

Seriously, though, I don't know if David and I have ever been so happy. We feel so blessed and we're just loving our little family and little life together! I know our dirty thirty year will be filled with all kinds of happiness.

David, me & H

I hope y'all had a great weekend, too!


  1. Looks like y'all had a great time!

  2. That looks like fun! I love all of your silly headwear.

  3. Love your little family of 3! You look great and H is the cuuuuutest!! That first pic gets me everytime!

  4. Such a sweet post! It's easy to see how happy you are right now. It's bursting through the pics!

  5. Love this! I need to be better at holidays, I am one LAME mom!

  6. AWw this is so cute! I just loveeee his expressions in these photos!!

  7. Yall are so freaking cute. Haha. That is all. :)

  8. Do you remember where you got the alphabet bib from? Thank you, love it! ~Emily


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