WHY I choose to post no makeup + wet hair pictures on my blog for all to see, I'm not sure. Just for the record, I promptly blow dried my hair, put on makeup and finished getting dressed after David casually snapped this photo of me. And then never took another picture. Doh! #noshame
So here we are, just over halfway along with baby #2! Can you believe it?! I can't.
The last five months have been such a whirlwind. First of all, I spent most of it nauseous. From about six weeks until about nineteen weeks (and still, it comes and goes), I was nauseous a majority of the day. Thank goodness for Zofran, I'm not sure I could have made it through the day without it! Also, the "first-trimester fatigue" stayed with me a lot longer than when I was pregnant with HDawg. But that could have easily been the added full-time job + chasing around a one-year-old + moving out of two houses + moving into a new house thing!

Just for fun, this photo is me at 21 weeks pregnant with H. I think I'm about the same in terms of bump-size, don't you?! David and I haven't been as good at taking weekly bump photos during this pregnancy like we did before (you can see how I documented HDawg's pregnancy
here). While we don't put pressure on a weekly shot, we are definitely still keeping up with bump photos and, more importantly, I have a sweet baby journal I write in often to document my preggo times.
Last week, we had the little guy's 20 week ultrasound. Everything looked healthy and perfect! The little booger had his legs squeezed together and bent back over his head for the entire 30 minute ultrasound, so we didn't get to triple check our original gender prediction as we had hoped! We definitely saw boy parts, loud and clear, at my 16 week scan, but David is now joking that he's convinced we're having a girl because he couldn't see the baby's junk at 20 weeks! Don't laugh, you'll only encourage him ; ) We're definitely having a boy and I couldn't be more excited about it.
Now that I'm full swing into my second trimester, I am feeling good. Based on my history with gestational diabetes, my doctor tested me early at 18 weeks to see if the GD had come back yet with this pregnancy. I passed! No GD!... yet. I will be tested again at the normal 28 weeks. But we're staying positive that I'll pass again in a couple of months!
Other than the nausea, I can't complain. I'm having some lower back pain issues, but that's par for course with a preggo chick! With all that we've had going on lately, exercise hasn't been a priority for me in the past few weeks but I'm actively changing that and have already done some yoga and walks around our new neighborhood this week. Oh and I have been having some craaaazy pregnancy dreams lately. I'm pretty sure HDawg had a play date with
Ethan Schue (who lives across the country, a totally unrealistic feat!) in last night's dream. Just sayin.
So what's next? We are adoring getting settled into our lovely new home. We're so excited about celebrating the holidays with H, starting with Halloween next week. He's at the age where he understands more about what's going on, so holidays should be super fun! And hello, we have a nursery to decorate!
HDawg's nursery is my favorite room ev-er, so I have a lot to live up to with the next nursery.
Needless to say, there are SO many fun things ahead. Being pregnant is
such a blessing and I thank God every day for David, H, baby #2 and our amazing little family!